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The secret of the night of power (Bulletin 08-15-2012)
IslamiCity Project
| | | IslamiCity Hajj 2012 | | Join IslamiCity Hajj - The journey of a lifetime, which every Muslim desires to take. Those fortunate enough to go are considered guests of God. Please see the following for more details: Starting at $4,995! * Due to visa restrictions this program is for US Residents only.  For preliminary information please click here and fill out the registration form. | | |
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Watch: Steps toward paradise |
| | | Ramadan generosity in action | | We often focus on the fasting and Tarawih prayers during Ramadan. However, the blessed month is also a time when generosity is greatly emphasized. One should try to be exceedingly generous during this month. In this section (pp. 305-310) Ibn Rajab examines the generosity of the Prophet . This examination is an encouragement for the believers to be excessively generous during the blessed month of Ramadan. Click HERE to read more. | | |
| | The secret of the night of power | | As creatures aware of our own existence, we human beings have a direct responsibility for our survival on earth. For this reason, each individual needs to know where to obtain whatever is necessary to ensure this survival. The name of the process of becoming acquainted with the environment containing the natural resources we need is reading, and in order to survive, even the animals do it. When hungry or thirsty they neither eat rocks nor drink sand. This shows that reading requires no verbal indications from the Lord of the Worlds, for early on He revealed the text implicitly in the laws of nature which apply to the 'dabbah', or corporeal living creatures. Click HERE to read full article. | | |
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All bazar proceeds help IslamiCity's outreach efforts. IslamiCity.com is a non-profit website |
| | | Laylatul Qadr - The Night of Power by Br. Khalid Latif | | Br. Khalid Latif presents on the topic of Laylatul Qadr; the Night of Power. A practical talk on what we can do to maximize this great night.
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| Compassion Verily, Allah is compassionate and is fond of compassion, and He gives to the compassionate what He does not give to the harsh. Prophet Muhammad (570 CE - 632 CE) | | |
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